What are Journals?
Journals allow you to record your thoughts and feelings. Think of it as your personal, online diary. Share with the world, your friends, or keep it to yourself.
How do I create a journal?
From your profile page, click “Journals” under the Applications section on the left. To create a new journal select “New Journal” under the “Journals” drop down.
How do I write an entry?
After you have created a journal, you may add an entry by clicking the “New Entry” link under the “Journals” link under the Applications section on the left of your My MedHelp page. You can add photos and MedHelp tickers to your entries.
Can I have multiple journals?
You can always add multiple journals to your profile. Simply click “Add a Journal” under the Journal application on your profile page. This allows you to group journals based on family member, medical condition, and calendar year.
Can I edit previously entered journal entries?
Yes. After accessing the Journal application, click “List View” at the top of the page and click the pencil icon to the right of the entry that you would like to edit or add to.
How do I delete journal entries?
After accessing the Journal application, click “List View” at the top of the page and click the “x” to the right of the entry that you would like to delete.
How do I control who can see or comment on my journal entries?
After writing an entry, click the “Privacy link” below the entry box and choose who can see each entry. You can set a journal entry’s visibility to allow everyone, only friends, or only you to see them.
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